How To Download Covid Vaccine Certificate in Qatar (2024)

If you are travelling to an international destination, you may need evidence of your COVID-19 vaccinations and PCR tests you have taken before you are allowed to enter. The Covid Vaccine Certificate issued by Qatar is a free and secure way to prove your COVID-19 vaccination history when you travel overseas.

Using the MOPH website, you can easily download Covid Vaccine Certificate in Qatar. Here is how to get your certificate in less than 5 minutes:

NOTE: If you are unable to access the portal to download the vaccine certificate, please seek assistance from your nearest health center.

Steps To Download Covid Vaccine Certificate in Qatar

To print your Covid Vaccination Certificate in Qatar, you must log in using your National Authentication System (NAS) Tawtheeq username and password.

If this is the first time you use Qatar Portal, you must create a new Tawtheeq account. Here is the detailed guide on how to create a Tawtheeq account:

If you already have an account, you can directly proceed as below:

Step 1: Go to the COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate page on the MOPH website

MOPH Website to Download Covid Vaccination Certificate in Qatar

Step 2: Click on “Proceed with Request”

This will take you to the Tawtheeq (NAS) Portal login page.

Download Vaccine Certificate Qatar Step2

Step 3: Enter your Tawtheeq Username and Password

You have to enter your Tawtheeq username and password. The username is usually your Qatar ID number. Click on “Continue”. Then you would be taken to a page with your details like name, QID number, date of birth, nationality etc.

Step 4: Click on “Print Certificate”

Print Vaccine Certificate Qatar

Step 5: Save or print the PDF file

Your certificate will open as a PDF file. You can save the PDF file or print it directly from there.

NOTE: To receive your Qatar Vaccination Certificate, you must have taken the full course of the COVID-19 Vaccine as per the correct protocol, and 7 days must have passed since the last dose.

Qatar Vaccination Certificate Format

The Ministry of Public Health has recently updated the format of its COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate to include the booster dose of the vaccine and to enhance alignment with international travel requirements.

The updated certificate format now includes details of COVID-19 vaccine booster doses for those individuals who have received it and contains additional information in alignment with the Qatar Airways IATA Travel Pass Digital Passport’ Mobile App, as well as the European Union Digital COVID-19 Certificates.

For those who have previously obtained and printed their MOPH COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate, the Ministry has stated that the previous certificate format remains valid and can continue to be used as proof of vaccination in Qatar and abroad; and it is not required to re-print or re-download the new certificate format.

Below is the sample image of the latest design of the Covid Vaccine Certificate in Qatar.

Qatar Covid Vaccine Certificate Sample Design
Covid Vaccination Certificate Sample

The Covid Vaccine Certificate issued by Qatar MOPH features a secure QR code. It includes all the information you need to prove to airlines and authorities that you have had your COVID-19 vaccinations.

Please note that some authorities may accept the electronic version with QR code on your mobile phone, but some may need to see the printed certificate. So if you are travelling abroad, carrying a printout with you is safer.

Updates to Qatar Vaccination Certificate

Your covid vaccination certificate will be updated when you receive each dose of vaccine. This includes any booster dose which you may receive in the future.

The new certificate will be available seven days following the last dose administration date for individuals completing their full course of the primary vaccine series.

For individuals receiving their third dose/booster dose, the new certificate will be available within 24 hours after the third dose has been given.

Covid Vaccination Certificate From MyHealth Portal

It is also possible to download your Covid Vaccination Certificate from your “MyHealth” portal. It is available under “Health Records” –> “Documents”. However, we do not recommend using that as the vaccine certificate format used is not updated. It is better to download it from the MOPH website, as shown above.

Benefits of Covid Vaccine Certificate

A Covid Vaccination Certificate soon becomes an essential travel document in the post-pandemic world. International travellers are now required to show vaccine certificates to avoid quarantine in the destination country.

Moreover, in many countries, you must show proof of vaccination before being allowed to enter indoor areas like restaurants, shops etc. Hence, it is highly recommended that you print and keep copies of your Covid Vaccine Certificate while travelling.

READ NEXT: Vaccinated Outside Qatar: How To Get Ehteraz Gold Frame?

FAQ on Covid Vaccine Certificate

Do I need Health Card to get Covid Vaccine Certificate?

No, Hamad Health Card is not mandatory to get your Covid Vaccine Certificate in Qatar.

Do I have to pay for the Covid Vaccine Certificate?

The digital version of the Covid Vaccine Certificate from Qatar MOPH is issued free of cost.

What to do if there is a mistake on my Vaccine Certificate?

You can call Government Contact Center on 109 (inside Qatar) or +974-44069999. They would transfer you to the technical team responsible.

How can I add my booster dose details to the certificate?

The details of the booster dose would be updated automatically after 24 hours. Then you can download a new certificate.

Related Articles:

  1. How To Get Hamad Health Card in Qatar
  2. How To Renew Hamad Health Card Online
  3. How To Get Covid Vaccine in Qatar
  4. How To Do RT-PCR Test in Qatar For Travel

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51 thoughts on “How To Download Covid Vaccine Certificate in Qatar (2024)”

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  1. Hellow hve taken my 3 dose wich is booster dose one month now but der is no record of dat on d system so dat I can get my covid certificate.till now der is no certificate of covid 19 for me Nd I dnt understand that pls I need ur help to get my covid certificate

  2. I want a vaccine certificate but still no record in moph i got my 3rd dose on august 18 can i get my vaccine certificate?

  3. Im done 2nd dose vaccine august 10 and my flight is on august 17 .my question is is it allowed to show in the airport my vaccine card to. Proof tht im already vaccinated but the certificate is. Not released yet..

  4. Maribel Cantorna

    My phone number is not link with my there any way i can download my vaccination ceetificate ?

  5. I have concern please. Im vaccinated at Qatar vaccination center but why I don’t have record in the system? I cannot take booster dose since I don’t have record and can’t have any certificate from my 1st and 2nd dose. What shall I do? I’m exhausted. Please help

  6. Abdalla Mombasa abdalla

    I change my phone number before it was 77343324 which i register NASA account with it before now one year since I change new number 70793453 even I updated ehteraz and metrash with that new number but I try to download my third dose vaccine certificate it can’t please I need help for that.

  7. I am from India. I received my first 2 doses of covishield from India. Earlier, I came to Qatar and received my booster dose at one of the medical centre and received a Vaccination card rom the same . As my qatar Id was in process, they took details of my passport. Now, I am not able to download my vaccination certificate as it shows to have no record for inserted details and also not able to upload it on ehteraz. It has been more than 20 days and I tried to call hookomi and many other helplines. Some of them dont know about what I was talking and many times the call wasn’t answered. Please help me out through this as soon as possible.

  8. I need booster dose vaccination certificate.1&2nd dose taken from india &3rd dose taken from qatar .

  9. Sir
    I had taken 3 covid vaccines from qatar, but same cirtificate cant download from Nas, the notification while trying to download vaccine cirtificate is, qid or passport not have the complete vaccination information.
    My phone no. 66824271 is under my qid, and dobble checked with the custamercare

  10. Hi,

    For passport Holder who received only booster dose in But Garn center, there is difficulty in obtaining covid vaccine certificate from MOPH portal…
    How to obtain covid vaccine certificate in this case.

  11. Ineed to print out my COVID 19 certificate but ihave forget my username and password please assist me thank you

  12. I’ve been calling the help line on 109 for the last 5 days. Still no confirmation email so I can’t print vaccination certificate.
    I need proof of vaccination to travel, otherwise I have to keep getting PCR tests.

  13. Rakesh kumar banga

    My 3 doses already finish in qatar
    Booster dose 18/01/22 but i try to download my vaccination certificate.but not available my vaccination record on MOPH site. My plan go back india 6 april. How to solve this problem.

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