How To Calculate End of Service Gratuity in Qatar (2024)

Doha Guides Team regularly reviews this article to ensure the content is up-to-date and accurate. The last editorial review and update were on 11 July 2024.

What is End of Service Gratuity?

According to Qatar Labour Law, End of Service Gratuity is a sum of money stipulated to be paid to an outgoing employee based on the service period. This is calculated based on your employment contract and the number of years you have worked for the company.

This article explains the Labour Law regarding End of Service Gratuity and how you can calculate the end-of-service gratuity using the online tool provided by the Ministry. We have also included a Free Qatar Gratuity Calculator in English.

Qatar Gratuity Calculator in English

Qatar’s Ministry of Labour provides an online service that allows applicants to calculate the end-of-service gratuity on its official website. However, this page is only available in Arabic.

For your convenience, has developed a similar online calculator in English. You can check the calculator below:

Note that you must enter data as per the contract signed between you and your employer.

Please note that you are not eligible for End of Service Gratuity if your service is less than one year.

This calculator will give you an approximate amount of your end of service gratuity. The exact amount would be based on your company’s HR policies.

How to Calculate Gratuity in Qatar 2024

For those who are looking for quick info, let’s summarise the law:

  • An employee is eligible for gratuity if he has worked for at least one year.
  • The minimum gratuity payable is 21 days basic salary per each year.
  • The last basic salary shall be the base for gratuity calculation.
  • The employer is entitled to deduct from gratuity any amount due to be paid by the worker. [2]

Sample Computation of Gratuity in Qatar

Let’s illustrate this with an example. Suppose your basic monthly salary is 1,500 QR and you have worked for 5.6 years with the same company.

First, calculate your daily basic salary:
Daily basic salary = (monthly basic salary) / 30 (days)
Daily basic salary = 1500 ÷ 30 = 50 QR per day

Now, calculate your gratuity for 5 years:
Gratuity = (number of completed years) x (21 days per year) x (daily basic salary)
Gratuity = 5.6 x 21 x 50 = 5,880 QR

So, in this example, you would be entitled to a gratuity payment of 5,880 QR when you leave the company after completing 5.6 years of service with your 1,500 QR basic salary.

End of Service Gratuity: What the Law Says

The end of service gratuity is calculated under Labour Law No. 14 of 2004.

Upon termination of the employment contract, an employee is entitled to an end-of-service gratuity and leave salary. Under Article 54 of the Labour Law (Law No. 14 of 2004), the employee is eligible for a minimum of three weeks’ basic salary as an end-of-service gratuity for each year.

Service PeriodGratuity Amount
Less than one yearNo gratuity
One year and more 21 days basic salary per year

As per Article 54 of Law No 14/2004:

“The employer shall pay at date of termination the end of service gratuity in addition to any amounts due to the worker who spent one year or more in employment. This gratuity shall be agreed upon by the two parties, provided that it is not less than a three-week remuneration for every year of employment. The worker shall be entitled to gratuity for the fractions of the year in proportion to the duration of employment.

The Worker’s employment shall be considered continuous if it is terminated in cases other than those stipulated in Article 61 of this Law and is returned back to Work within two months of its termination.

The last Basic Wage shall be taken as the basis of the calculation of the gratuity.

The Employer shall be entitled to deduct from the service gratuity the amount owed to the employer by the Worker.”

Vacation Pay

As per Article 81 of the said law, if the employment contract is terminated for any reason before a worker takes his vacation (annual leave), he shall be entitled to payment instead of annual leave equivalent to his wage for the leave days to which he is entitled [1].

Flight Tickets

When the employment contract is terminated, the employer is responsible for repatriating the employee back to the place from where he was recruited or any other place agreed by the parties. However, if the worker joins another employer before departure from the country, this obligation shifts to the new employer.

Gratuity During Unpaid Leave

If the employee takes unpaid leave, this period is excluded from the service period calculation. As a result of unpaid leave, the period of service is reduced by the number of days served as unpaid leave.

Signing employment contract

Qatar Labour Law on Gratuity After 5 Years

Many readers ask us if the gratuity is higher if an employee has worked for more than 5 years.

The reason for this question is that there was such a clause in the previous labor law. However, this is not the case anymore.

The clause that stated a worker should be paid four weeks/year for working 5-10 years and five weeks/year for more than ten years was part of the old labor law and is no longer valid.[3]

As per the current law (Law No 14 of 2004), gratuity shall be agreed upon by employer and employee, provided that it is not less than a three-week remuneration for every year of employment.

Qatar Labour Law on Gratuity After 10 Years

As previously explained, the gratuity calculation remains unchanged even if the employee has worked for more than 10 years. It will still be 21 days basic salary per each year.

NOTE: The labour law only states the minimum gratuity. Some companies may choose to pay more than three weeks’ salary to employees based on their length of service. This is up to the management’s decision and HR policies.

Can Employer Terminate Employees Without Gratuity?

According to Article 61 of the Labour Law, there are certain situations under which an employer may dismiss an employee without the payment of the end of service gratuity. Instances of such gross misconduct include:

  • If the Worker assumes a false identity, alleges a nationality other than his or submits false certificates or documents.
  • If the Worker commits a mistake which causes gross financial loss to the Employer provided that the Employer shall notify the Department of the mistake within twenty-four hours from the time of awareness thereof.
  • If the Worker violates more than once the written instructions of the Employer concerning the safety of the Workers and the Establishment despite being notified in writing of the violation on condition that such instructions shall be written and posted up in a conspicuous place.
  • If the Worker fails more than once to carry out his essential duties under the Employment Contract or this Law despite being notified in writing thereof.
  • If the Worker discloses the secrets of the Establishment where he is employed.
  • If the Worker is found during the working hours in a clear state of drunkenness or under the influence of a drug.
  • If the Worker assaults the Employer, the manager or one of his supervisors in the workplace during the working day or by reason thereof.
  • If the Worker repeats the assault on his colleagues in the workplace despite being warned in writing thereof.
  • If the Worker absents himself from Work without legitimate cause for more than seven consecutive days or fifteen interrupted days in one year.
  • If the Worker is convicted by a conclusive judgment in a crime of dishonour or dishonesty.      

Will Gratuity Be Paid in Case of Worker’s Death?

According to Article 55 of the Labour Law, if the worker dies during the service, regardless of the cause of death, the employer shall deposit with the treasury of the competent court any wage or other entitlements due to the worker in addition to the end of service gratuity within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days from the date of the death.

The minutes shall contain a detailed report indicating the method of calculating the amounts referred to. The employer shall deposit a copy of the minutes with the Department.

The competent court shall distribute the deposited amounts among the deceased worker’s heirs. This shall be done in accordance with Islamic Sharia provisions or the Personal Status Law applicable in the deceased worker’s home country.

If three years have elapsed since the date of the deposit without the person deserving the due amounts being known, the court shall transfer these amounts to the State Public Treasury.

Calculate Gratuity on Ministry Website

You can also calculate the end-of-service gratuity on the Ministry of Labour website. This is done by entering your joining date, last working date, basic monthly salary and the number of gratuity days due each year.

Although the service is available only in Arabic, non-Arabic speakers can also easily calculate ESB by following these steps:

STEP 1: Click on this link to open the calculation page. You will see the following fields in Arabic:

Calculate End of Service Gratuity Qatar

STEP 2: In the first field, enter your Date of Joining (as per your contract).  

STEP 3: In the second field, enter your Last Working Date.

STEP 4: In the third field, enter your Basic Monthly Salary (as per your contract). 

STEP 5: In the fourth field, enter the Gratuity Days accrued for each year (for example, 21 days for one year). You have to refer to your contract for this.

STEP 6: Click the bottom button to see the result.

This service was introduced to ensure greater transparency and make foreign employees aware of their rights.

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FAQ on End of Service Gratuity in Qatar

How is the end of service gratuity computed?

End of service gratuity is calculated based on the employment contract and the number of years the employee has worked for the company.

How much is the minimum gratuity in Qatar?

According to Law No. 14 of 2004, for each year of employment, the employee is eligible for a minimum of three weeks’ basic salary as the end-of-service gratuity.

How can I calculate the end of service gratuity?

You can calculate end of service gratuity online by going to the end of service gratuity calculator on the Ministry website.

What can I do if my employer refuses to pay end of service gratuity?

If your employer refuses the end of service gratuity without any reason, you can file a complaint at the Ministry of Labour.

I am working with the same company since 1990. Am I entitled to receive gratuity from 1990 or only from 2004?

If the person is working with the same company, he is entitled to gratuity from the date of joining. In this case, he is entitled for gratuity from 1990.

READ NEXT: How Expatriates Can Change Jobs in Qatar

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  4. Qatar Labour Law on Sick Leave and Maternity Leave
  5. Qatar Labour Law on Annual Leave and Holidays
  6. 11 Easy Ways To File Labour Complaint In Qatar
  7. Freelance Visa In Qatar: Is It Legal?

Copyright © – Unauthorized reproduction of this article in any language is prohibited.

[1] Law No. 14 of 2004 – Article 81
[2] Law No. 14 of 2004 – Article 54
[3] Law No. 14 of 2004 – Article 13 is about repealing Law No. 3 of 1962 – Article 24

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449 thoughts on “How To Calculate End of Service Gratuity in Qatar (2024)”

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  1. Hi. How to calulate my end of sevice graduity . I have old and new contracts.. im 4 years working in comoany. But my new contract still not finish min 1 year.. so graduity is based upon new contract or old contract?

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Kaviya, You should have received your gratuity at the end of your old contract. Please discuss with your management.

    2. Hi sir/mam, i am working in a company since 2006/12/04 according to my contrary. June 2023 will be last month of my service. Company agree to give me 21 days end of service per year. according to ministry how many days i have get my service will be more than 16 years.

      1. Doha Guides Team

        Hi Hari, As per the current rule, the minimum is 21 days basic salary per year. There is no difference even if you worked 1 year or 16 years.

  2. Helloo there, kindly calculate for me the gratuity I’m supposed to get.

    Start date: 5/8/2020
    Last date: 13/6/2023
    Basic: 1700

  3. Good day,can i also have exact calculation of my gratuity for six and half basic salary is 2,100 qatar riyal.
    I started working in my company on jan 23 2017 and my end of service is on july 5 2023

  4. Please can I have the exact calculation of my end of service
    Name:Rhona Navarro
    Start Feb,20,2019
    End June 30,2023
    Basic salary 2,000

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Rhona, It would be around QR 6100.
      For others, please use the calculator given in the page. Use 21 for number of days.

  5. Hello sir/maam. I have worked 1 year and 8 months for my company if i am going back home will i get only. One years gratuity ? Does 8 months counts for gratuity ?? Kindly advice please will be thankfull

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Wilson, If it is exactly 4 years, gratuity will be around 2800 QR (21 days basic for each year).

  6. Judy Ann Dagoplo

    Good day!

    How do I tell them that I need my gratuity. What if they don’t want to give my gratuity? What will I have to do? Please help how to explain and give me some advice of how am I going to do .
    Thank you

  7. Good day what if they not gave my gratuity what im doing im done gir 2 years here in qatar pls help me how i explaine to my employer..

  8. Hello, Who is eligible for End of service Gratuity? If I work under international commuter contract will I eligible for that? Thanks in advance

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Ruslan, If your employer is based in Qatar and your labour contract is signed as per Qatar laws, you are eligible for gratuity after one year.

  9. Bryan ssempijja

    Hello sir kindly advise me,I was involved in an assault case and was taken to police along with my friend after the complainant open a case against us,after the investigations I was released by police that I have no case after 24hrs and my company terminated me the next day, will this affect my gratitude and exiting the country. thank you kind regards .

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Bryan, The case will not affect your gratuity. If there is no case, you can leave country without any issue. Make sure your company cancels your visa (to avoid future issues).

  10. Hello good day
    This is jhon i was working in company almost 18 years so i wana know how many days service gratuity I can get i am couriers i read some articles
    If lass then 5 years service 21 days
    Less then 7 then years service 28 days
    More ten years service 35 days
    Is this true?? Please answer thank you.

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Jhon, Those articles are outdated. Qatar government has changed that rule few years ago. As per the current rule, it is 21 days per year (irrespective of how many years you work). If your contract mentions more than this (eg. 30 days), it will be as per the contract.


    I need help i’ved been working for almost 12 years in this company and now i go for good but they didnt agree that im going for good instead stay free vacation, my concern is ill never receive any benefits like vacation leave pay per 21 days per year and my end of settlement they never give to me,please help to get this benefits from this company

      1. What about sir they pushed me to take vacation even 3 4 5 years th e said i am free but they never give my vacation leave pay and i asked to pay in advance my gratuity but they said when i resigned, but i already tried many times to resign there reason do not resign only vacation.
        please advise and if how i can get my 11 years and 5 mont.hs in service

  12. I have work for 11 months,and they have terminated my contract,it was unlimited contact will l get gratuity really?

  13. Domino Quirante

    Hi,until now they didn’t give my end service benefits for more than 13yrs service and my vacation air ticket plus 3 months pending salaries

  14. I am from Philippines, started working since 2015 until now I just want to know if I can claim gratuity from my employer, never I experience day off and never recieve any benefits, how can I take my end of service and my vacation leave.

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Melany, You are eligible for gratuity (21 days basic salary per year). Discuss with your employer and if they don’t agree, you can file a labour complaint.

      1. I have been working in the same company for the past 25 years, ie from March 1998 until now. When do I get my graduation and how much do I get in a year?

        1. Doha Guides Team

          Hi Tej, It will be 21 days basic salary per year. This year’s basic salary is considered for all years.


    I am from Philippines and i joined my employment last Dec 24, 2011 up to the present, since then i’ll never received any benefit life vacation leave pay and any bonuses according to the Qatar Labour Law, now i submitted three times the resignation letter but they refused it and said remain vacation only, due to my healthy condition i am decided to resigned just for my medical health problem. Now i need your help how i take my end of service and vacation leave pay, thus, they dont give to me either….what is your advise.

      1. Hello, I’ve been working 1year in company, during the 1 year I didn’t get vocation and I want to resign, am I able to take service gratuity and company shall be pay my home (one way) ticket as per contract in 2years provided home and return ticket?

        1. Doha Guides Team

          Hi Nozim, You are eligible for gratuity if you have completed one year. If your visa is cancelled, company has to provide one way ticket to home country (as mentioned in the contract).

  16. Hi,
    I signed a contract of 5 years but after 2.5 years i resigned and required NOC letter. But the company is refusing to giving my gratuity as they are saying that you didn’t complete the contract and it was limited contract so your are not eligible for the gratuity. And also deducting air ticket money from the leave salary, because I’m going to join another company.
    As per the above scenario am i eligible for the gratuity?
    Your reply will be appropriated