Qatar Travel And Quarantine Rules: Covid Policy (2024)

Doha Guides Team regularly reviews this article to ensure the content is up-to-date and accurate. The last editorial review and update were on 07 February 2024.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, most countries implemented special entry and exit restrictions. Qatar, being a highly visited destination, had imposed various measures from time to time to control the spread of the pandemic.

As the world cautiously emerges from the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, nations are adapting their travel policies to align with evolving circumstances. The travel policy by Qatar’s Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) is reviewed from time to time, depending on the domestic and international situation.

This article explains everything about Qatar Travel and Quarantine rules in place now, including entry restrictions and eligibility for home quarantine.

Qatar Travel And Quarantine Updates

On April 1, 2023, Qatar took a decisive step by lifting the last remaining COVID-19 travel restriction. This development signifies a promising shift in the global landscape, reflecting improved COVID-19 statuses in many parts of the world.

Travellers entering Qatar are no longer subject to COVID-19-related restrictions or requirements, offering a sense of relief and freedom to those eager to explore this vibrant destination.

Protect Yourself

The Ministry of Public Health in Qatar emphasizes the importance of maintaining vigilance in safeguarding health amidst the changing circumstances. While there are no longer specific travel restrictions, travellers are encouraged to adhere to standard infection prevention measures.

This includes staying updated on the latest COVID-19 developments, obtaining the updated COVID-19 booster vaccine, and monitoring both local and international updates on COVID-19 situations and requirements in their destination countries.

Current Safety Requirements

One notable aspect of Qatar’s policy is the requirement for everyone to wear a face mask when inside health facilities. This measure underscores the nation’s commitment to prioritizing public health and safety, even as travel restrictions ease. Visitors are expected to respect this requirement and adhere to it diligently during their stay in Qatar.

For those planning a trip to Qatar, the updated travel and return policy offers a welcome reassurance. With restrictions lifted and a renewed focus on preventative measures, travellers can look forward to experiencing the beauty and hospitality of Qatar without the shadow of COVID-19 looming over their journey.

Travellers must remain informed about any changes to Qatar’s Travel and Return Policy through official sources and websites before embarking on their journey. Staying abreast of the latest guidelines ensures a smooth travel experience and helps mitigate any potential disruptions.

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Copyright © – Full or partial reproduction of this article in any language is prohibited.

Information source: Ministry of Public Health

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87 thoughts on “Qatar Travel And Quarantine Rules: Covid Policy (2024)”

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  1. I am a qatar resident from india . My son having 16 yrs old and he got hayya card and all approvals . He willl plan to fly india from november end seeing workd cupHe got only 2 vaccine from.india . Around 10 months before and in india for below 18 yrs booster doze not yet given. If any prblm for him to travel to qatar at that time.pls advice

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Luna, Covid test is not required for transit passengers through Doha. You need to do it only if the Philippines require that. Please check the arrival requirements for the Philippines.

  2. Hi
    I am a GCC resident with Indian Nationality. I need to travel for 2 weeks to DOHA for work. Do I need ehteraz approval to travel. I applied 4 days, still under process. Shall I travel without approval?

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Shams, Ehteraz approval is optional for GCC residents. If your profession is on the approved list you can travel without Ehteraz approval. If you are not sure, you can confirm your eligibility by calling +974-4406 9999.

  3. audrey mcdonald

    My husband and I are flying London to Doha to stay with our daughter on 23rd October. Do we need a hotel booking to travel or to obtain visa on arrival?

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Audrey, As a hotel reservation is a requirement by rule, your airline will ask for it. So it is better to book a hotel and cancel after you arrive.

  4. Hi,

    My colleagues want to travel to Doha to work on a project, they are GCC Indian Residents. Can you please advise about the visa procedure?

  5. Hi there. We are a family of 5. Husband, wife and 3 young children under 5 with a planned overnight stopover at a hotel in Doha prior to travelling to london. I am considered fully vaccinated however we have just found my wife isn’t because she had her 2nd dose of phizer >9 months ago. She is booked to get her phizer booster tomorrow. We fly the day after tomorrow. I thought this doesn’t make her vaccination status effective for 14 days but read here that for phizer it’s instant. Is this correct and where is that outline please? Is there an option for my wife to do 1 night hotel quarantine before travelling to UK so she can get the connecting flight? Thank you!!

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Adam, Please call the government helpline at +974-4406 9999 to check about the vaccination requirement. Also, make sure to apply for Ehteraz pre-travel approval immediately and do the RT-PCR test (48 hours before travel) or Antigen test (24 hours before travel).


    Hi ,
    My self and my wife are resident of Qatar and are fully vaccinated . We are travelling back to Qatar from India on 15th August . My son is below 18 Years and his 2nd dose ( Pfizer) has been administrated before 12 months. In such case, does he have to go for home or hotel quarantine ? We will be doing PCR test before travel.
    Kindly advise as it is very urgent please.
    Thanks & Regards

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Azad, The validity of the 2nd dose is nine months. In this case, your son is considered unvaccinated. We assume he is above 12 years.
      a) If you are coming from a Red Health country, he needs five days of HOTEL quarantine, a PCR test before arrival and Rapid Antigen Test on day 5.
      b) If you are coming from a Standard Health country, he needs five days of home quarantine; a PCR test is not required before travel, but he needs a PCR test within 24 hours of arrival, plus a Rapid Antigen Test on day 5 of home quarantine.

  7. hello . . .

    i will reach Doha by next Friday … Visa on arrivals for GCC resident …

    i have taken 2 doses of Pfiezer ( June 2021 ) so should i do PCR as 9 month over … to avoid quarantine ….

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Abdul Majeed, You would be considered unvaccinated as it is over 9 months since 2nd dose. You will need Ehteraz approval, PCR testing, five days of quarantine and an Antigen test on day 5. To avoid quarantine you need to take a booster dose.

      1. thanks for your reply .. . .

        I can travel immediately after the booster dose or also some days should be pass over ….

        1. Doha Guides Team

          For Pfizer, Moderna, and Astra Zenica, you can travel immediately. For J&J, it is after seven days. For Siopharm, Sinovac, Sputnik, and Covaxin it is after 14 days.

  8. Hello,
    I will arrive in Doha at 5:20 am on a flight from Egypt.
    How will my 1-day quarantine work? As I arrive very early, will I be able to go to the quarantine hotel room? Will I have to take a Rapid Antigen Test to get out of quarantine? When?
    Thank you.

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Carol, Please check the check-in time with your hotel. Normally this is from 2 or 3 pm. If there are enough free rooms, they may allow you to check in early. As your arrival is early morning, you need to discuss this with your hotel.

  9. Are Red List countries based on nationality or place of origin? We are from a country with standard health measures but will be in Nepal prior to our visit to Qatar. Will we need to quarantine on arrival?

    1. Doha Guides Team

      Hi Kyle, The classification is based on the country of departure. Vaccinated visitors arriving from Nepal will be subject to 1-day hotel quarantine. If you are a resident, you are exempted from quarantine. In either case, you need to do an antigen test upon arrival.